How to overcome self doubt


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“I seek strength, not to be greater than others, but to fight my greatest enemy, the doubts within myself.”

— P.C. Cast

For some weird reasons, I always thought my sister was smarter than I was.

I mean, she was always praised—gifted of course—for coming top of her class all the time. I on the other hand was always getting free advice. Looking back, it was indeed great advice.

Don't get me wrong, I've had my achievements as well but I thought they weren't good enough because sometimes, I was scolded and asked "if the others had two heads". This is a very popular household slang, I'd be surprised you weren't told that as a child or even as a young adult.

That was when it all began, I always thought I wasn't good enough. Practically everything I did wasn't good enough. I started trying so hard to please people, from family members to people I barely knew. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be praised. I wanted gifts too. Most of all I wanted that outward expression of love.

It got worse as I grew older. I actually started believing I was dumb. I would not contribute when having group discussions or when in the company of people. I could handle my family telling me I wasn't good enough but friends and outsiders... gosh that hits differently.

I started retreating slowly.

Well, over time I unconsciously started projecting my insecurities. I would rather decline an offer even before hearing it. I wasn't intentional about self growth not to talk of healing. My anxiety kept creeping. I was a total shadow of myself. Obviously, I know a lot of you can relate to this story, except if, of course, you're the smart one here. Even at that, we as humans are created to subconsciously identify our weak spots and that of others and sometimes even project it.

Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potentials.

                                      ~Brian Tracy

     ☞Ways self-doubt hold you back☜

voices in your head

When self doubt starts to interfere with your dreams, lots of potentials tail off. You start over scrutinizing everything. When this happens, the mind is usually active but not for ideas.

If you find this list below a habit or a lifestyle don't freak out, just make sure you read through. I gat you.

You find it hard committing to your best ideas.

Procrastination becomes your watch word.

You tend to swim in the circle of self-loath, self-doubt and low self confidence.

You lack clarity or life direction

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle

I know the struggles of being accepted, loved and heard.

If we can all be truthful to ourselves, we would concur to being in this situation, probably not exactly this form. 

                       ☯The way out☯


There's a distinct difference between self confidence and overconfidence. 

note on self love

Self confidence is an attitude about abilities and skills. It simply means you accept and trust yourself; you also have a strong sense of control about what you think of yourself. It makes you aware of you strengths and weaknesses and ways of improving yourself.

A predisposing truth is that it is built over time and influenced by life events.

The mind is very powerful, it is believed to hold convictions, secrets, hopes, fears and desires. When the mind is constantly influenced positively, there would be little to no time for self-doubt.

I try to implement these practices and it works for me.

⁐̤ᕐᐷ Stop comparing yourself with others, we are all unique with great abilities and capabilities. Do you; most importantly, do you well!

⁐̤ᕐᐷ Practice positive self affirmation.

⁐̤ᕐᐷ Take good care of yourself. You can only be proud of something that is properly taken care of.


Hope you enjoyed this post; Your mental health is super important and I'm alway here to lend you that listening ear. However, our stories speaks volumes. So to encourage our friends who are still battling with those little voices in their head, It'll be nice for us to share our recovery stories in the comment section. Thank you💖


You can't breathe while your tongue is out—hehehe just kidding◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗

☞ Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced.


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  1. Replies
    1. I've had a lot of instances where you could say I've experienced self-doubt. some of which I have gotten over, some of which I'm still struggling with.

      Here's one:
      I started learning French.

      And before you say it's not much of a big deal, I'd like you to know that I am TERRIBLE with languages.
      Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought my learning French was a bad idea.
      Nevertheless, I ignored all doubts and at the moment I'm doing pretty good.
      Je me sens bien!

    2. Wow! That's a great move.
      I'm not good with languages either, have patches of different local languages. I'm not proud of that anyways but I've accepted to leaning at my pace. You should do same. Well done once again 👍

  2. Nice article, thank you so much.
    Love how I feel relaxed after reading it

    1. Wow, thank you Dinithi. I'm so glad you found this relaxing. Have a love week ahead!❤️

  3. Wow. I really love this. I can totally relate!
    I've felt less of myself countless times while growing up and even recently as well, but we're getting stronger💪🏻💪🏻
    Thanks a lot for this❤️

    1. Of course, we can only get stronger and better.
      I'm glad you could relate to it.
      Thank you.
